THCA Annual Report 2018

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THCA Annual Report 2018

On 14th of March, 2019, the Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics (THCA) released its Annual Report for the year 2018, which is publicly available at the THCA website.

This is the first annual report that THCA has ever issued since it was established in 2001. With a total of 68 pages, the report consists of six chapters, each focusing on one of the following themes: General Information, Research, Academic Activities, Personnel, and THCA Photo Album of 2018. The first chapter starts with Director’s Remarks, “Tsinghua Astronomy in 2018”, written by Prof. Shude Mao, the current Director of THCA, who summarized the significant advances made at THCA in the past year and outlooked on the continued success of THCA in the Year of Pig. This is then followed by an overview of the history of THCA, its current facilities, the administration team, as well as the several exciting changes in 2018. The second chapter summarized the scientific research at THCA in 2018, highlighting nine of the research works published by THCA people, a list of all publications, and lists of invited colloquia/lectures and public talks given by THCA people. In total the THCA published 64 papers in journal, plus 42 papers that were accepted for publication in 2019. The third chapter lists all the academic activities organized by THCA, including 33 THCA colloquia and 20 special/informal talks, 52 seminar talks given by students, and 4 conferences organized by THCA professors. The chapter of Personnel lists the current people at THCA including faculty members, postdocs, students and visitors. In 2018, more than 50 astronomers visited THCA and almost everyone gave a talk on their research. Chapter 5 summarizes the public outreach, and Chapter 6 presents a set of randomly selected photos taken at THCA in the last year. Since 2014 the THCA has organized 24 Public Talks given by leading experts to the public. A booklet of these public talks is being prepared and will soon be released.

The preparation of the annual report has been led by an Editorial Board: Cheng Li (Chair), Xuening Bai, Wei Cui, Hua Feng, Shude Mao, Yi Mao and Dandan Xu, with Moran Du and Yidan Xiong serving as Editorial Assistants. Many people at THCA have contributed to the report. An annual report is expected to be carried out every year from now on.