Tsinghua Vice President Xue Qikun visits DoA

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Tsinghua Vice President Xue Qikun visits DoA

In the morning of March 6, 2020, Tsinghua University Vice President XUE Qikun visited the Department of Astronomy (DoA) to inspect the work under Coronavirus epidemic since its outbreak in early 2020. Chair of DoA, MAO Shude, first introduced general information of DoA students, then briefed in details regarding recent work of epidemic prevention and control, and employment promotion plan for graduates. Prof. LI Cheng who have two graduate students graduating this year, added with more details regarding their career interests and future employment planning. DoA colloquium organizer, Prof. CAI Zheng, also briefed the Vice President about the change from traditional colloquium to online colloquium; it turns out attendee numbers increased by 20%.

XUE Qikun affirmed the work of DoA has been done properly, and encouraged all members from DoA to continue to do a good job on academically-related activities, and epidemic prevention and control.

DoA Office Manager FENG bin and DoA Teaching Administration YANG Wenchao also attended the meeting.