Honorary Appointment Ceremony for Distinguished Visiting Professor Puragra Guha Thakurta

With the COVID panedemic over, the number of international visitors to Tsinghua DOA has visibly increased in 2023. On June 6, we welcomed the arrival of Prof. Puragra Guha Thakurta (UC Santa Cruz), and held a ceremony for his distinguished visiting professorship at Tsinghua over the next three years; He will play active roles in scientific collaborations, student supervisions and public outreach.

The ceremony was chaired by Prof. Zheng Cai, the associate chair of the DOA.

Profs. Puragra Guha Thakurta (UC Santa Cruz) and Shude Mao (Chair of the DOA) with the official certificate of the distinguished visiting professorship signed by the University President, Xiqin WANG.

A collective photo of faculty and students who attended the ceremony.