Tsinghua Students Visit Xinglong Observing Station (NAOC)

Tsinghua Students Visit Xinglong Observing Station (NAOC)

43 students and instructors from the two courses "Roaming between Physics and Astronomy" and "Frontiers of Astrophysics" visited the Xinglong Observing Station, National Astronomical Observatories of China, on November 5th, 2016.

Under the guidance of Chen Yingwei from NAOC, they first observed the landscape of the Moon and the Andromeda galaxy (M31). Then they visited the exhibition halls and learned the geographical advantage of the station, ten current telescopes, the history and the instruments of the station, especially the strength and working principle of the LAMOST.

On the morning of Nov, 6th, the students went into the dome of the 2.16-meter optical telescope to learn the mechanism of the elimination of the Earth rotation using equatorial mount. Later students were introduced the state-of-the-art LAMOST and had a thorough understanding of confocal optics and the complex optical fiber positioning system.

The visit to the Xinglong Observing Station not only deepened the students' comprehension of the frontiers of astrophysics and astronomical technology but also stimulated their enthusiasm for astrophysics.