Analytical Insights into Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies

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 时间:  Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 2:00 pm
 标题:  Analytical Insights into Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies
 主讲人:  Zhaozhou Li 李昭洲 (HUJI)
 地点:  S327


Recent observations reported a puzzling dearth of dark matter (DM) in a fraction of massive high-z galaxies and dwarf galaxies, challenging current simulation predictions within the standard ΛCDM scenario. This discrepancy underscores our limited understanding of the halo and galaxy structural evolution. Here, I will present a novel unified analytical framework for galaxy dynamical evolution driven by feedback outflows, mergers, and tidal interaction, and show how these processes can augment structural diversity and form DM-deficient galaxies. If there is time, I will also briefly introduce the feedback-free starbursts (FFBs) scenario as a potential paradigm shift for early galaxy formation.


Zhaozhou Li (李昭洲, is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before moving to Israel, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2018–2021) and a graduate student at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (2011–2017). His research focuses on galactic dynamics, structure formation, the Local Group, and the formation of early galaxies. He aims to develop a theoretical understanding of cosmic structures, especially their dynamics, with the help of observations and simulations.