Radiation MagnetoHydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Systems: from massive stars to black holes

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 时间:  Friday, June 09, 2023, 10:30am
 标题:  Radiation MagnetoHydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Systems: from massive stars to black holes
 主讲人:  Dr. Yanfei Jiang (Flatiron Institute)
 地点:  S621


Evolutions of stars, black hole accretion as well as interactions between stars and black holes play an important role in various astrophysical systems, such as supernova, X-ray binaries, AGNs as well as various transient phenomena.  I will discuss some long standing issues related to massive star and black hole systems. Then I will describe some examples on how we can make progress on some of the key theoretical uncertainties based on 3D radiation magneto-hydrodynamic simulations. In particular, I will show how these simulations can be used to understand observations directly. Future directions will also be discussed.

Host: Hua Feng