Finding QPE-like systems in MOCCA simulation

Events Calendar

 Time:  Friday, November 1, 2024, 12:00 am
 Title:  Finding QPE-like systems in MOCCA simulation
 Speaker:  Huojun Li (PKU)
 Location:  Physics Building E225


QPE(Quasi Periodic Eruptions) is new type of  X-ray transient event first observed in 2018. It's characterized by the periodic X-ray outbursts in contrast to its quiescent radiation. One of the proposed model for QPE events involves a secondary body orbiting around the central massive black hole, generating periodic flares as the mass of the secondary object accretes onto the BH. These systems are particularly interesting because they are also known as EMRI, providing possibility for multi-messenger astronomy with future space-borne GW detectors. In this talk, I will discuss how we take advantage of one of the most advanced cluster simulation codes, MOCCA, to search for QPE-like systems(which are so far only discovered in nuclear clusters of dwarf galaxies) in the globular clusters, where they might be triggered by IMBHs instead of SMBHs. I will present the estimation of event rates, the forming mechanism as well as the dynamic process related to those QPE-like systems.


Huojun Li is currently a junior undergraduate student at Peking university. He started his research in 2023, working under the supervision of Prof. Xian Chen.

Host: Pablo Renard