Galaxy quenching from the perspective of semi-analytic model GAEA

Events Calendar

 Time:  Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:00 am
 Title:  Galaxy quenching from the perspective of semi-analytic model GAEA
 Speaker:  Lizhi Xie 谢利智 (TNU)
 Location:  Physics Building E225


Galaxy quenching is a crucial phase of galaxy evolution. For years the over-quenching problem has posed a big challenge to galaxy evolution models at low redshift. In this talk, I will introduce how we improve the semi-analytic model GAEA step-by-step to reproduce the observed quenched fractions, and the lessons we learned. Then we apply this model to high redshift to understand the galaxy quenching scenario across cosmic time. Finally, I will present the our preliminary plans for future work.


Dr. Lizhi Xie recevived PhD. From National Observatories of China and then moved  to Astronomical Observatory of Trieste in Italy for post-doc. She is working as an assistant researcher in Astrophysics Center, Tianjin Normal University since 2018. As the core member of the GAEA team, she has been developed the modeling related to star formation, black hole seeding, and environmental effects. Her primary research interests include galaxy evolution — such asquenching, morphology,  gas contents etc — as well as model developments.

Host: Dandan Xu