What is left for astronomers to do in the era of Artificial Intelligence?

Events Calendar

 Time:  Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2:00 pm
 Title:  What is left for astronomers to do in the era of Artificial Intelligence?
 Speaker:  Charling Tao 陶嘉琳 (CPPM)
 Location:  Physics Building E100 & https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/uqmvz92cKaVT 会议号:712-2544-2187 密码:2502


In this area of rapid development of AI, astronomers' work is also evolving. What should we focus in training our students and our computers? In this talk I will present some of my thoughts on the subject and hope the audience will share in the discussion.


Charling Tao is an Emerita Director of Research in CNRS CPPM (Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille) where she co-created the cosmology group. Charling was trained in particle physics  at Harvard U. and Oxford U.and worked at CERN, she was the director of the Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics in Tsinghua University during 2010-2016. She has been a co-lead of the SN and transients Science Working group of the European Euclid space project launched in July 2023. In parallel, she is still testing directional DM detectors in particular the MIMAC project, which could provide pioneering work on galactic DM astronomy.

Aside from her (Astro-)physics work, she is a co-founder and active member of the ecosystem restoration camps/communities (ERC) movement.

Host: Dandan Xu