Observations and 3D MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection

Events Calendar

 Time:  Thursday, May 16, 2024, 2:00pm
 Title:  Observations and 3D MHD simulations of magnetic reconnection
 Speaker:  Xin Cheng 程鑫 (NJU)
 Location:  S727 & https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/71A4buMaFQfu #腾讯会议:966-5857-1188 会议密码:2405


Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental physical process in various astrophysical, space, and laboratory environments. In solar physics, it is even believed to be a key mechanism to heat/accelerate plasmas and drive the eruption of large-scale magnetic field, giving rise to coronal mass ejections and flares, as well as solar energetic particles. High-cadence and high-resolution observations recently show that magnetic reconnection always presents an intermittency as characterized by the appearance of magnetic islands of different scales, which can be well understood in the framework of turbulent reconnection theory. In this talk, I will present observational evidence for turbulent reconnection within the current sheet in the wake of erupting coronal mass ejections and during a very tiny 3D magnetic null-point in the corona. We also implemented a 3D high-resolution MHD simulation of magnetic reconnection in a realistic flare configuration in order to explore the origin and property of turbulent reconnection, as well as its physical links to large-scale flare dynamics.


Xin Cheng is Professor at School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, member of International Astronomical Union, Chinese Astronomy Society and American Geophysical Union, youth editor of The Innovation and reviewer of main scientific journals in astronomy and space science including Science, Nature Astronomy, ApJ, A&A, Solar Physics, JGR, RAA et al. He received PhD degree in astronomy in 2012, visited George Mason University as a jointed PhD student from 2010.9 to 2011.12 and Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research as an experienced Humboldtian from 2019.2 to 2022.7. His research interests include coronal mass ejections, magnetic reconnection, solar radio bursts, and stellar magnetic activities et al. He received AGU Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth systems science in 2013, Chinese Astronomy Society 5th "Huang Shu-Shu" Award in 2015, NFSC Award for Excellent Young Scholars and NFSC Award of Jiangsu Province for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2017, AAPPS-DPP Young Researcher Award in 2021,  was selected as Elsevier Most Cited Chinese Researcher since 2020.

Host: Xuening Bai